South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: How to relieve your dog’s stress and anxiety

Many often view our world today in a fast forward motion where everything requires a lot of work and people need to keep up with the changes, which require them to work harder in order to live. With this, other pet owners sometimes don’t have time to better take care of their pets plus the fact that they need to leave their pets alone at home whenever they need to go to school or work. And for this reason, some dogs unwantedly develop stress or anxiety because of loneliness.

If your dog already has anxiety based on the findings of your vet, then leaving it alone might build up more stress. But we can’t do anything about it because each of us needs to work, what you can do is find other ways to help your dog lessen its stress and anxiety. Incidents of dogs experiencing stress and anxiety may include them desperately trying to get out of a house and end up breaking a lot of things in the process.

Experts said that a single treatment can’t entirely eliminate the anxiety of a dog and they added that it is a very difficult matter to deal with. But despite this fact, South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like you to be stronger for your dog and don’t give up. Staying positive for it is one way you can fill its void with some light of hope. With commitment and endless care and love, your dog will surely one day understand your duties and responsibilities and will also be able to better handle stress.

Remember that helping your dog treat its anxiety will take quite some time and a lot of patience. If your dog lives with the whole family, it is unlikely for it to develop anxiety since there was more than one person who could take care of it, but in some unfortunate cases where a dog developed one, the support of the entire family in treating the anxiety of their beloved pet is needed. You can discuss it with the members of the family and develop ways on how to better take care of your dog. For more effective results, seek the expertise of a certified animal trainer or a veterinary behaviorist.

You should begin changes with yourself like your behavior and/or lifestyle. Your dog knows you’re going out from the moment it wakes up and from there, his worries or stress may build up, so from the moment you get up, give your dog a big hug and might as well change some of your morning routines and put more time playing with it even for a few minutes by feeding it its favorite food or breakfast, or petting it for a while. South Bellmore Veterinary Group suggests leaving your TV open so that it could watch good shows and avoid boredom, or put its favorite toys nearby. You can also leave it with good music playing around, and each time you get home from work/school, show your dog your love and give it a big hug again.

It is advised as well to go outside for a limited or short amount of time during your day offs so that your dog will build the belief that during some days of the week, you’re coming home sooner than the usual, and avoid thinking too hard and be very lonely. And since it is your free day, why not take your dog for a walk to the park and simply relax under the trees and lie down on the cool grass. See to it that you’re also monitoring its health and maintaining a balanced diet with proper exercise.

If your dog has anxiety, know that it is quite sensitive, so avoid getting angry at it and prevent disregarding its presence. You raised your dog as your best friend, so be with it even during its rough times. South Bellmore Veterinary Group suggests keeping it disciplined using other ways that won’t hurt its feelings like giving it treats whenever it follows your orders. You can’t easily remove your dog’s anxiety just like magic because you’ll need the help of other people around you and the proper medications given by experts, and of course your dedication to improving your dog’s mental health.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: How to make sure that your dog is happy all the time

Having a dog inside your home certainly brings a lot of joy to the family and its love to your entire family has no boundaries and is eternal, so in exchange of your dog’s lasting loyalty and care, you must ensure that it is always happy and has a bright personality. And in order to achieve this, South Bellmore Veterinary Group prepared a few tips below to make sure of your dog’s happy life:

Buy presents for your dog

Your dog would love getting presents from its owner and giving them toys would be a great idea. Seeing their excited and cheerful expressions would definitely touch your heart as well. Consider giving them toys one at a time, and keep other newly bought toys inside your cabinet so that whenever they got bored with their current toys, you can just take those toys from the cabinet and give it to them as if they’re brand new. Doing this, you can avoid buying toys on a regular basis and save money for another important purpose.

Invite your dog for a walk

Give your dog a new environment by taking it outside once in a while. Enjoy the weather of early mornings where the sunlight gives a rejuvenating feeling and the air from the trees is refreshing. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience those kinds of good feelings so take your dog for a walk during early mornings on weekends if you have work on weekdays. South Bellmore Veterinary Group is certain that both of you will get positive energy from walking under a pleasant weather.

Teach your dog a few tricks

Giving your pet dog a proper training can boost its happiness gauge as well. Dogs have no problem in learning certain tricks, and while teaching it important lessons, you’re also spending meaningful time with it which creates beautiful moments for you and your pet dog. Training your dog might include different steps so if you’re confused where to start, get the professional help of a certified pet trainer.

Give your dog regular baths

Make sure that your dog is always refreshed and clean to avoid irritation and allergens. Ensure that it is cleaned at least twice or thrice a month if it is still not used to taking a bath, but this still depends on the breed of your dog. Make your dog love water and the idea of having its body washed so that you can take it for a bath for a lot of time than two or three times a month.

Let your dog meet new people or animals

You can give a huge lift to the self-esteem of your dog if you allow it to meet new people together with their pets. Your dog might not be able to handle meeting a lot of people or animals all at once, so better take its personality into consideration as well and it would be best to take things slow and introduce people and pets one at a time.

Ensure a well-balanced diet

South Bellmore Veterinary Group would also like you to remember that your dog needs to have a well-balanced diet too to make sure of its healthy condition. Your veterinarian holds the best answer to what foods suit the needs of your dog. Make sure to note all of his recommendations and tips regarding giving a proper diet to your pet since he’ll take into account the age and weight of your dog as well.

Take your dog to his vet regularly

Choosing a vet who will take care of your dog should involve a careful process so that you will end up with a trustworthy vet like the South Bellmore Veterinary Group who does professional care to animals to the best of their ability. Visit your vet every six months and see to it that he’s keeping your dog in check and maintaining its good health condition.

Raise your dog with a calm and positive environment

If your dog grows into a happy, cheerful, positive and calm household, it can also adapt those attributes as well and develop good qualities. You should show a good lifestyle to your dog since it can absorb and also imitate your way of life like a sponge.


South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: How to take care of your pets during winter

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to make sure of the safety of your pets during extreme weather conditions where a case like the huge drop in temperatures could happen in your area. And in relation to this, there’s also the threat of bad winter storms, so to help you protect your pets from such events, South Bellmore Veterinary Group prepared a few tips for you.

Stay indoors

Once the temperature drops, it is your duty to ensure that all your pets were inside the house. Experts add that this should be the case specifically for short-haired animals. Cold temperatures outside can be the enemy of cats so better keep your cats inside as well. Create a draft-free shelter that is small enough to keep your dog’s body temperature inside but it should also be able to let your pet move around. And in order to provide insulations to the shelter, put straw or cedar shavings along with something that could cover its entrance.

Double check the cords

You must also be careful to not cause an electrical fire, so better check properly the cords of devices that warm water bowls. In addition, using heat lamps should be done with utmost care because once it gets knocked down in dry bedding materials, it can quickly start fires.

Prepare a good survival kit

Make sure that you have ample stock for your pet’s emergency kit since urgent and critical situations were sometimes the case during winter storms, which may include power outages or other incidents. South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like you to remember pivotal items to keep in preparation for a rough weather condition. First is, of course, food where you are advised to keep at least a three-day supply inside an airtight and waterproof container. The second one is water and similar to foods, gather at least a three-day water supply.

In continuation of the previous paragraph, third are medicines and medical records, while the fourth one focuses on essential documents that include registration information, adoption papers, and vaccination documents. In relation to this, you can discuss microchipping to your veterinarian and might as well enroll your pet in a recovery database. The fifth includes first aid kit so better have enough supply of cotton bandage rolls, bandage tape, bandage scissors, latex gloves, isopropyl alcohol, a saline solution along with antibiotic ointment, and flea and tick prevention. South Bellmore Veterinary Group also advises keeping a reference book about pet’s first aid. The seventh consist of collar or harness with ID tag, rabies tag, and a leash, while the eighth requires you to keep a crate or pet carrier. In case the local authorities require your family to evacuate, make sure you have a sturdy and a safe crate or carrier for your pets where they can also stand, turn around or lie down inside.

You might find it odd to include a picture of you and your pet together in the list of your survival kit but if the situation got worse and you’ve suddenly become separated with your pet, you can document ownership and let other people help you through a photo of you and your pet together. Remember to put the individual characteristics of your pet such as its gender, age, breed, color, and species.

Due to the harsh environment, your pets might not be able to relax due to fear or stress so make sure to include items that were very familiar to your pets on your survival kit. Those items might include treats, toys or bedding and such can help your pets reduce stress or calm their mind.

Prepare proper sanitation tools for your pet’s litter box as well and have enough supply of newspapers, paper towels, plastic trash bags and household chlorine bleach. See to it that you have the right bedding and habitat materials reserved for your exotic pets too.

Other notes

During severe cold snaps, exposed skin on your pet’s nose, ears, and paw pads are vulnerable to frostbite and hypothermia. Put a sweater on your dog especially if it is short-haired so that it could feel more comfortable. If you’re going to melt snow and ice using rock salt and other chemicals, make sure to wipe all the paws of your pet with a damp cloth since such substances can irritate the pads of your pet’s feet.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like you to report neglected animals to authorities especially if the animals were outside and exposed to the dangers of the cold weather. Your pet is your responsibility but other animals need your help as well during the harsh weather so never abandon one and report its presence to the local authority right away.


South Bellmore Veterinary Group: Enkla steg for att ta hand om din Senior husdjur

Titta på tillväxten av ditt husdjur liknar en lång värdefull resa till din favorit plats. Du möjligen tog olik vänder utom hanterat å anlända på din läge med en leende på din möta vilken kanna bli besläktad till känslan av seende din sällskapsdjur växa in i en pålitlig och stark djur. Tagande bekymmer av en sällskapsdjur sedan dess födelsen behöver tid och ansträngning, utom all om vilken är ingenting jämförde med lojaliteten din sällskapsdjur kamrat gir till du.

Hur... än, en gång din sällskapsdjur sträck dess ålderdom, den nödvändigtvis mer älska och bekymmer från du så dess ägare. Idag kan du vara säker med veterinärmedicin eftersom bra utveckling gjordes på detta område under de senaste åren, vilket kan bidra till att ge längre och bättre liv till ditt husdjur. Du måste genomföra förändringar på livsstilen för ditt husdjur samt i enlighet med deras ålder.

For att din sällskapsdjur till har en frisk aging, du behov till ta bekymmer och förstå bestämd sakerna sådan som den sällskapsdjur ' genetik, församlingen, och levnadsförhållanden. Om sällskapsdjur är 6-10 åren gammal, eller om din katt är 11-14 åren gammal, då den sällskapsdjur tillhör till äldre grupp redan. Men tillhör denna grupp är inte något du bör vara mycket rädd om eftersom, med rätt vård och uppmärksamhet, kommer dina husdjur säkert leva längre.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group viljat till hjälp varje sällskapsdjur ägare i tillförsäkra den god hälsa av deras äldre sällskapsdjur igenom den följande:

Regelbunden Checkup

Schema en regelbunden Checkup till din vet till ordningsmanen konditionen av din sällskapsdjur. Afton om din äldre sällskapsdjur ser mycket frisk, du stilla behov till ta den till din vet minst två gånger en år. Det är oundvikligt att genomgå vissa förändringar när ett djur blir äldre där du kan se effekter om deras ålder eller värre, även bevittna dem få vissa sjukdomar lätt. Även om det är något normalt att se seniora husdjur som har nedsatt syn och hörsel, minskad aktivitet eller ökad sömn, kan du undvika dem med stora sjukdomar om deras sjukdomar diagnostiserades tidigt.

Jämn subtil förändringen på sällskapsdjur kunde snål något hälsa problemen, och med det hjälp om skickligheten av en betrott vet, du kanna lära sig omkring den sann konditionen av din sällskapsdjur sedan dess djuren är god på hiding smärta och sjukdom. Om det är en stor eller liten förändring som händer på ditt husdjur, bör du informera din veterinär direkt.

Rätt kost

Djur behöver rätt näring som liknar människor, så ge dem en väl balanserad kost. De kommer inte att hålla sig friska om du inte ger dem näringsrika livsmedel. Du kanna gå med hög-näringsämne, lätt-sammandrag maten för gammalt sällskapsdjur sedan dess de har en långsam metabolism och de behöva en mindre belopp av kalori. Du kan kontakta eller besöka din veterinär för att fråga om de bästa djurfoder varumärken, ingredienser eller andra formler som kan öka hälsan och hälsotillståndet för dina husdjur.

Rätt vikt

Med en ordentlig och bra mängd näring kan resultera i en hälsosam vikt. Du får inte tolerera överfoder på ditt husdjur eftersom experter sade att detta kan öka risken för cancer tillsammans med vissa sjukdomar. Dessutom, den kanna lägga en enorm pressa på din sällskapsdjur ' skarven och jämn förkorta dess livsform. Lära sig till riktig ordningsmanen vikten av din sällskapsdjur längs med det hjälp av din vet.

Fysisk aktivitet

Att vara gammal betyder inte att ditt husdjur inte har förmågan att utföra fysiska aktiviteter längre. Du kan fortfarande räkna milda aktiviteter som korta promenader, eller en enkel lek som en bra övning för Senior husdjur. En mängd studier visar redan den stora roll fysisk aktivitet till en hälsosam vikt och hjärta, så missa inte sådana aktiviteter i att ta hand om ditt husdjur där det också kan bromsa gemensamma degeneration. Gör inte din äldre husdjur utövar en stor mängd energi, så när de verkar trött, stoppa aktiviteten direkt. South Bellmore Veterinary Group viljat till framhäva betydelsen om mental hälsa av din sällskapsdjur likaledes så dont ' glömma till omfatta mental öva på deras till-gör ta upp på en lista.

Oral hälsa

Äldre husdjur behöver uppmärksamhet på sin tandhygien också. Göra säker så pass din vet gör professionell rensningen till din älskat sällskapsdjur så fakta åt de wont ' har tandkött sjukdom, infektion och annan berättat sjukdom. In-Home borstning rekommenderas också mellan rengöringar.

Säker och bekväm

Dessa är två viktiga saker som du bör ge på din äldre husdjur. Lägg undan objekt som kan vara skadliga på vägen för ditt husdjur, och skydda dem när du lämnar hemmet genom baby grindar. Organisera sina grundläggande behov på nedervåningen så att de inte kommer att ha problem att klättra i trappor, särskilt om ditt husdjur har artrit. Installera stepstools eller sällskapsdjur ramp till erbjudande mer lämplighet till din sällskapsdjur. Skräp lådor bör också vara nära dem och göra deras sovande plats mjuk med många filtar eller sätta en uppvärmd PET-säng.

Visar omsorg och kärlek

Människor och djur måste både känna kärlek och omsorg från människorna runt omkring dem. Visa dina husdjur du älskar dem genom en bra mage gnugga eller en mild massage. Lär dig att ordentligt brudgummen ditt husdjur också och göra det som din bindningstid med dem. South Bellmore Veterinary Group ser också det effektivt att ge dem stora kramar ofta och spendera kvalitetstid tillsammans.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: 7 tips for taking care of your senior pets

Older pets need extra, special care in protecting their longevity, and making specific changes for their well-being is only natural. Making sure of the longer and better lives of your senior pets are entirely possible with the developments made in veterinary medicine and improved nutrition in the past years.

Each kind of animal is unique and different, and their healthy aging depends on different factors such as the genetics of the pet, diet, and environment. You can tell that the pet belongs to the senior group through some indicators such as if it is 6-10 years old, while cats at 11-14. A lot of pets can live longer than their senior years and those animals were certainly filled with wisdom and affection by their owners.

Watching your pets grow into a large and dependable pet from being a tiny ‘energy’ fur-ball is such a satisfying feeling. However, as both animal and human get older, there are changes that needed to be made.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like you to be committed to ensuring the good wellbeing of your older pets. Keep them happy and healthy all the time with the following tips:

Visit vet on a regular basis

It is very important to schedule regular visits to your vet as your pet gets older. Healthy-looking senior pets are still advised to have checkup twice a year. In particular, there are two types of changes that happen to pets as they get older which are: age-related and disease-related. From being tiny beings that have a lot of energy, older pets tend to have a decrease in activity and experience reduced vision and hearing as well as increased in sleeping. Your pets can prevent some diseases such as kidney or heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, dental problems and cognitive dysfunction if they were diagnosed early.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group discussed in their previous post on how to choose the right vet for your pets since it is important to make sure that he is capable of taking good care of your pets. A skilled vet is very good in knowing subtle changes in your pets since such can also mean health problems because pets are good at hiding pain and illness. Always be sensitive and aware of some changes occurring in your pets, especially if they’re older. Consult your vet right away once you notice some changes in your pet’s behavior, energy level, appetite, thirst, toilet habits or mobility.

Go on a proper diet

Ensuring a well-balanced diet is also important to animals, especially as they grow older. South Bellmore Veterinary Group recommends high-nutrient, easily-digested foods for senior pets since they have a slower metabolism and need a smaller amount of calories. Get recommendations from your trusted vet and have a good list of quality pet food brands, ingredients or specific formulas in improving or helping the medical condition of your pets.

Watch its weight

South Bellmore Veterinary Group needs you to make sure of the healthy weight of your pets. Keeping the right weight for the senior pets involves giving them the proper amount of nutrition. Overfeeding is sometimes the case for some households since other pet owners were not aware of how much their pet is actually eating every day. You must avoid overfeeding since it can increase the risk of cancer and other diseases, and it can also put stress on the joints of your older pets and can shorten their lifespan. Ensure that the vet is properly monitoring the weight of your pets whenever you’re going to visit him for your pet’s checkup.

Perform physical activity

Not because your pets are older, you won’t engage them anymore in any kind of physical activities. Experts suggest making them do mild physical activities such as short walks, swimming for dogs, or playtime for cats. Remember that a proper exercise greatly contributes to a healthy weight and heart as well as slowing joint degeneration. As previously stated, be alert when it comes to older pets, so if they look tired, then stop the activity right away. Keep their mind active too by doing mental exercise every day which may include interactive toys or food puzzles.

Ensure a good oral health

As your pet gets older, you need to be very wary of their dental hygiene. In order to avoid gum disease, infection, and other related diseases, you need to make sure that your vet does the professional cleaning to your pets and you must also perform in-home brushing between cleanings. You may include softer treats and canned food for easier chewing in the diet of your older pets.

Guarantee their comfort and safety

Get rid of objects that can be dangerous to your older pets. If you were unable to take care of your pets because of your busy schedules, create a safe place for them by using baby gates. Put all the necessity of your pets downstairs, especially if your pet has arthritis and has trouble climbing the stairs. Putting stepstools or pet ramps are also advised. Don’t give them a hard time finding their litter boxes, so put those in places that can be easily reached by your pets. Create a soft sleeping place for older pets as well and put more blankets or heated pet bed.

Show your affection

Showing your older pets how much you care for them and love them will always mean a lot. Give them a good belly rub or a gentle massage often. You need to do regular grooming for your pets as well and spend quality time together. Despite your busy schedule, giving your pet big hugs whenever you got home can already be an indicator of your care and love. South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like you to enjoy your special bond with them every day.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: Relocating and Switching for a New Vet?


If you are moving to another city or state far away from your pet’s current veterinarian, then you should start looking for a new vet now. Ask your vet if he can recommend a practice near the place you intend to live, they often have a list of active AVMA members or colleagues who have the same services and specializations in the area which can certainly handle your pet. Or, ask your neighbors with pets on the most closes vet practice with quality healthcare and no complaints or any warning signs of a bad review, they will often be glad to recommend their chosen vet to you. 

For most of us, choosing the right vet is much more challenging than looking for the best doctor for ourselves. Here’s a guide to finding a vet who can understand you and your pet concerns.

Good rapport

Make sure that you feel free and comfortable in asking questions and that he is willing to answer any of it so that you can understand perfectly what he is trying to say. In medicine, there are technical terminologies that a normal person could not easily comprehend, if he’s unwilling to clarify things you don’t understand, find someone who can.


Building a trusting relationship with your vet is crucial. This is because the level of trust you give to your vet will affect your decisions for your pet, if you believe in your vet then you are far more likely to follow his advice and the course of medication he prescribed. The lack of trust commonly results to failure for the right treatment your pet deserved. If you are having trouble in trusting your chosen vet for any reason, it’s a good idea to look for a vet you will be glad to give your full-faith.

Online Reviews

Nowadays, online reviews are what attract new clients to a business. However, not all online reviews posted on websites like Yelp can be trusted, make sure to check whether your source is reliable first. Review sites can only be your guide in narrowing down the list of potential vets.


One of the most important things your need to examine when you visit an animal practice is the cleanliness of the facility. Observe whether they practice good hygiene and odor control. Keep a keen eye on the tools and equipment they are using in examinations and surgeries if it’s clean and sanitized.


The veterinary profession also has medical specialties: surgeons, dermatologists, dentistry, ophthalmologists and much more. Your chosen animal practice should have a list of specialized veterinarians, in South Bellmore Veterinary Group, their veterinarians are well-connected to a network of veterinary specialists they can refer to you in case your pet needs a treatment that requires a specialist in that area.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group is a team of multiple doctors specializes in different veterinary medicine, thus, rest-assured that you are visiting an animal practice composed of highly-skilled veterinarians in Long Island, New York.

South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review: Prevention of the Most Common Pet Diseases


Pet obesity is an epidemic. The root cause of obesity is excessive calorie intake which causing the weight gain and excess fat mass on your pet, though in some cases, it may be linked to some specific medical health condition like a hormonal abnormality. Being obese has a negative impact on your pet’s health and longevity because it becomes a risk factor for secondary health problems including diabetes, urinary tract infection, heart disease and kidney malfunction.

The best way to manage obesity is by preventing it from happening to your pet. South Bellmore Veterinary Group has veterinary nutritionists who can give weight loss advice and formulate feeding plan and exercise program for your pet companion.

Keep in mind that it is necessary to control this type of condition to avoid further risk of serious medical conditions like diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a chronic condition associated with blood having abnormally high levels of sugar and with symptoms like increase thirst and urination, weight gain, lethargic and formation of cataract.

Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong condition with no cure, but it can be treated and controlled. Visit your pet’s veterinarian for treatment in this kind of condition because the cure for diabetes depends on the severity of the disease. Mild conditions can be controlled by having an appropriate dietary and exercise regimen. In some cases, pets with the serious condition of diabetes should take medications and regular insulin shots. Complicated and un-complicated diabetes mellitus are few of the diseases routinely diagnose and treated in South Bellmore Veterinary Group, for the best medical care for diabetes, visit their clinic.

Good Oral Hygiene

One of the most common health problems that plague the life of our pets is a dental disease. It is most common in dogs and cats and gets worse with age. Other than bad breath, symptoms of this disease include inflamed and bleeding gums, difficulty in eating, facial swelling and potential loss of a tooth. If this condition is left untreated, it may result in other serious health problems like heart diseases and organ damage.

To make sure that your pet has a good oral health, bring him to South Bellmore Veterinary Group for oral check and dental cleaning. SBVG is equipped with an ultrasonic scaler and polisher with a high-speed drill and digital dental x-ray unit to efficiently perform oral cleanings, dental exams, surgical extraction, root planning and gingival resection.

Visit them today or check-out their website to know more about the professional team of South Bellmore Veterinary Group.